It seemed like a great idea when I ordered all that. It seems like a great idea now... that it's all done. I'm very grateful for my husband who was a wheelbarrowin' maniac. Now I can sit back and enjoy it. If I could only stop myself from buying more plants. Hasn't happened yet. I might have to start planting in my neighbors yard. Anyhoo, I haven't posted anything in about a century so here are my garden updates:
My favorite pic of the season so far - Bearded Iris beginning to open with Catmint Six Hills Giant in the background
A little 'Before' and 'After' action..... the backyard before and after mulching duty:
Close up time:
Jacob's Ladder with Fringed Bleeding Heart in the background:
Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart that insists on growing out of our brick walkway every year. The ones I purposely planted in the actual gardens never do this well. I don't get that:
Bearded Iris and Siberian Iris:
As always, some yard views. Here is the front... I have since dug up the awful pile of sticks that was supposed to be a variegated Weigela. It just does not like that spot. And the mountain of compost in the background is now gone:
Side of house. How about that artistic flair with the lanterns? I was trying to declutter my deck:
New hanging baskets on the shed:
Front and side of pool fence. And my maniac. That guy is everywhere:
Irises and our sweet kitty, Lily. NOT. She. Hates. Everyone. Well, almost everyone. She liked me, my husband, my step-daughter and my daughter. She hisses and screams at everyone else..... from 4 yr old kids to my 93year old, four-foot tall grandmother. We don't understand what's wrong with her. (The cat, not my grandmother).
We added a garden area in front of the shed and a shade garden in front of a boulder on the side of the yard. But since I just got it planted tonight 30 seconds before the thunder and lightning started, I thought the smart thing to do would be to put down the metal shovel and take pictures another day.
Happy Spring/Almost Summer Everyone!